Friday, April 27, 2018

My Vlogging Workshop

I’ve been on Youtube for 7 years now, since 2011.

In those years, I have gone from making videos in my bedroom to making videos in [awkward face]. But the difference between then and now is that I can do this for a living. The videos I made have traveled further than I have; France, Belgium, Venezuela, Egypt, and other places.

In those 7 years, I have met a lot of people and people have questions. One of the common questions is, “How do I become a Youtuber like you?” In short, I got asked this question a lot to a point where I decided, “Why don’t I just teach this thing?”

In essence, vlogging is simply recording, editing, and uploading. That’s it.

So I want to focus on those 3 things with this workshop, because a lot of times people might be overwhelmed with choices (Which camera is the best? Which editing software is the most suitable?) and people might feel insecure with the uncertainty (What will people think of me).

I want to make things easy for you and just focus on 3 things: record, edit, and upload. Just bring any camera that you have, a laptop that you have, and I can teach you how to use these tools to take your imperfect first step.

Yes, it’s not going to be perfect. You can watch my first ever video on Youtube. I’ll be honest, I cringe when I watch it today but I don’t regret anything. I am grateful because that imperfect step was the start of my journey to this place that I am in right now.

If you want to create online videos for dakwah, for personal reasons, or for business, all of those things begin from these 3 basic things: record, edit, and upload. I hope that after the workshop, I could see more local vloggers so that we can have collaborations and create a community of positive contributors online.

I invite you to join the next workshop.

See you there!

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