Friday, April 20, 2018

It All Starts With A Vlog

If you are here to register for the workshop, please click on the poster.

But if you want to read a story first, please keep on reading...

It's been 7 years since I uploaded my first vlog on Youtube from my 1-bedroom apartment, and that vlog was the first domino piece that led to this moment right now. It is not farfetched for me to say that I owe my whole career to that first vlog.

From that first vlog, a kind soul decided to invite me to his university to give a talk and after that, more invitations poured in. From there, I was recognized by a publishing company as a potential writer and they agreed I published my first book. From there, someone thought I should be on TV and I did appear a few times.

On and on the story goes, but it all started from that first vlog.

Over the past 7 years of vlogging, people often ask me this one question: "How to be a Youtube vlogger?"

The answer is simple: Just record, edit and upload a vlog on Youtube. Done!

However, I know that the real answer isn't that simple. Many people, especially young people, that I met over the years show interest to become a vlogger. They have stories, opinions, ideas, and thoughts to share and they want an outlet to do it.

Youtube is a great outlet for that.

But with how things are today, there are many obstacles that stand in their way. There are the technical questions like how to use a camera for vlogging, how to edit a vlog, and how to set up a vlogging channel? Then, there are the ethical questions like how do I express myself without getting into trouble?

Most importantly, there are the personal questions like what if they don't like me?

I have dealt with all of those things and I want to help people who are dealing with them for the first time. That is why I have decided to organize my first ever vlogging workshop for beginners. In the workshop, I will be talking about:

  • How to record a vlog using the video equipments you already have, and make the best of them.
  • How to easily edit your vlog using a free editing software, and make it look good.
  • How to set up your vlogging channel, and manage it like a pro.
  • How to earn income with your Youtube channel, and impress your parents.
  • How to safely navigate Youtube, and commit for the long term.

My hope is to pave a pathway for people to start their vlogging career and to build a community of Malaysian vloggers. I see myself having multiple collaborations with other local vloggers, creating an atmosphere of support for vloggers and online creators alike.

The dream is big, and it all starts with a vlog.


  1. tottaly great after i join your speak up class i decided to vlog till now. But the problem is what to talk on my vlog.

    if the class is in kl for sure i will go without hesitate as perlis a bit far.

    1. I appreciate your support. I can totally help you with that. Insha Allah the workshop will be in KL, but I don't know when. If you are keen on traveling, you can take ETS to Perlis and we have Grabcar in the area.
