Friday, March 31, 2017

Are You on Autopilot?

Just a thought.

Have you ever prayed and then not realizing that you are already at the end of your prayer?

Have you ever ate and then not realizing that you have finished your plate?

Have you ever went shopping and then not realizing how did you fill up your car boot?

Have you ever feel sad or angry or disappointed and then not realizing what is the source that triggered the emotion?

Have you ever raised a child and then not realizing that the child is now a grown man or a woman?

If you can identify with any of those things, then you might be on autopilot mode. The autopilot mode is a state where you are not aware of what they are doing or how they are doing it or why they are doing what they are doing.

When we are on autopilot mode, we are not really there. Our body might be there, but our mind is somewhere else entirely.


I think, one of the main reasons is because we have trained ourselves to not let go of the past and to worry too much about the future.

That causes us to overlook the present moment, the here and now.