Friday, April 06, 2018

Come Vlog with Me!

I have been vlogging since 2011, starting from zero.

I used whatever I had at the time. I had a flimsy plastic tripod, a mirror, and a laptop. The camera, the most important equipment in vlogging, was borrowed from a friend. My editing software was free; I used Windows Movie Maker.

I didn't start to buy anything new to use for vlogging until I was about a few videos in. It was only when I had the money and the momentum that I invested more into this hobby of mine, a hobby that soon turned into a career.

Understandably, a lot of people who have the desire to share their thoughts and ideas through the medium of vlogging are overwhelmed by the abundance of choice they have today. DSLR cameras have become so cheap and easily available. Laptops have advanced so much in the past 10 years. If you Google "video editing softwares", you will be bombarded by different varieties of softwares from free to paid ones.

Being overwhelmed, that desire might dwindle down and you ended up not taking the first step.

I understand the feeling. I had the same feeling when I first started. The first step seems so difficult, but I was lucky to have my friends who pushed me over the edge for me to take the leap of faith. It paid off over the 7 years I have been on Youtube.

Many people asked me about how to start vlogging and I don't really know any other answer other than, "Just do it!" That's how I did it. At the same time, I understand that not everyone can just do it. Perhaps they need more guidance to take the first step.

That is why, after a lot of thought, I finally decided to compress my experience and my knowledge over the past 7 years into a 3-hour vlogging for beginners workshop. It is the first time I'm doing something like this, and I am pumped!

I will show you the technicalities of vlogging, from the equipment you need, how to use them, how to manage your channel, how to present yourself, the different types of vlogging you can venture into, how to edit your video, and where and how to upload your content.

Everything is made simple and easy.

The thing about the internet is that it is global, and that is exciting. You can do so much good with a camera in your pocket. At the same time, you can also do a lot of harm. 7 years on Youtube, I have seen a lot - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

So beyond teaching you the technicalities of recording, editing, and uploading, I will also inform you about the positives and negatives of the internet. Not to scare you, but to make sure that you are well-informed before starting this awesome journey. It will truly help you in navigating your way around the vastness of the world wide web.

If you are interested in learning the craft with me, then I invite you to join the workshop:

Vlogging for Beginners

Date: 28 April 2018 (Saturday)
Time: 2:30 - 5:30pm
Venue: The Kitchen Studio, Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia

Fee: RM10 per person (say what?!)

If you are ready to take the first step, register here: